Legacy Driven Foundation, Inc. (LDF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in Snellville, GA and serving youth in the Metro Atlanta area (About Us). LDF is seeking sponsors with a strong desire and vision to be impactful in the lives of minority youth on a recurring basis or one-time donation. We value each and every donation we receive from our supporters.
Every donation we receive is a cherished gift that fuels our mission. But, our goal extends beyond mere financial support. We want our donors to witness the transformative power of their contributions, as demonstrated by the remarkable young man’s story below. It’s a tangible illustration of the impact the we’re having in the lives of youth, and we’re committed to making more stories like his, a reality.
True Story: Allow me to paint a picture for you, one that captures the essence of what we do. Picture a young 4th-grade boy, wrestling with the weight of unresolved emotions, carrying the burden of his estranged father’s absence. In our mentoring sessions, we discovered the guilt that had been silently eating away at him, causing turmoil in his life. Fast forward to today, and that once-struggling 4th grader is now a determined High School student, thriving academically and showing remarkable improvement in his life. His transformation is nothing short of inspirational, a testament to the power of mentorship and the resilience of young hearts.
All In, All Faith – $5,000: All prior benefit levels are included.
Legacy – $4,000: Exclusive invitations to foundation activities.
Platinum – $2,000: Opportunities to showcase sponsorship at events + prior benefits.
Rose Gold – $1,000: Special mentions during programs and/or newsletters + prior benefits.
Silver – $500: Featured placement on the foundation’s website and/or social media + prior benefits.
Bronze – $250: Recognition in promotional materials and events.
Download our Sponsor Letter HERE!
Benefits: Your sponsorship includes a listing of your company for up to one year, dependent on your level of giving and used in our newsletters, website and social media platforms as advertisement and recognition. The registration form below will capture your website, address, social media handles and so forth for our usage. This information along with your company logo will be posted on this page and our home page for public usage. All levels and up, will receive a Legacy Driven Foundation custom 20 oz. tumbler (see below).
Funds will assist in the following programs:
*In-person After-school, Weekend and Summer programs
*MS Office licenses/subscriptions for grant awarded laptops (Avanade/InterConnection); Youth also use them in after-school and homework activities.
*Cover transportation costs for functions and events on our weekend and/or summer programs.
*Educational subscriptions and in-person programming focused on teaching skills for Math, Reading and Writing.
*Specialized -3rd-12th Reading & Math, Financial/Budgeting Literacy, Entrepreneurial, S.T.E.M related activities, Spanish Tutoring and more.
*Marketing/Advertising materials for community events (i.e. brochures, hanging banners etc.).
*Weekend excursions (i.e. sports events, college/university tours, cultural field trips, etiquette training etc.).
Additional need from Sponsors: For our weekend and after-school program we are often in need of beverages, snacks, variety of hot foods and more. If you’re a provider of any of these types of items: pizza, subs/sandwiches, tacos, breakfast foods, salads, and chips, we would love to have your partnership to provide food and drinks to our youth for this category of programming.
You may also contribute by mail with a check or money order made payable to: Legacy Driven Foundation, Inc. and mail to Legacy Driven Foundation, Inc., Attn: Sponsorship, PO Box 390872, Snellville, GA 30039.
Note: Your donation to the Legacy Driven Foundation, Inc. (LDF) is tax deductible. You will receive your sponsorship receipt via email, so please check your inbox and/or spam folder.
If you have questions about being a Sponsor, you may reach us at 404-941-0209 or via email at donation@legacydriven.org.
InterConnection & Avanade has granted Legacy Driven Foundation with 15 laptops (11/2022) for educational and research capabilities to further the reach of our minority students for present & future success.
Social media for InterConnection: Instagram: @interconnectioncomputers, Facebook: @InterConnectionComputers,
Twitter: @interconnection, LinkedIn: InterConnection.org
Social media accounts for Avanade: Instagram: @avanadeinc, Facebook: @avanade, Twitter: @avanade, LinkedIn: Avanade
The National HBCU Alumni Associations Foundation (NHBCUAAF) is a premier organization comprised of alumni leaders and associates from Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
We are experienced professionals with the knowledge, skills and expertise to provide technical assistance to HBCUs and other Institutions on a wide range of topics. We deliver our products, consultation, and services with the highest degree of professionalism and integrity. Read more about NHBCUAAF at www.nhbcuaaf.org and/or on Instagram using @nhbcuaaf.